Tuesday, August 13, 2013

how to get no of days in the current month(count)?

$da = date('d'); // gets the current day of the month
$mth = date('m');    // gets the current month
$yr = date('Y');   // gets the current year
$daysinmonth = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN,$mth,$yr);
echo $daysinmonth;   // this will echo the total no of days in the current month

now you might also want to use the no of days left in the current month from the current day, here's how that's done:-

$baldays = $daysinmonth - $da;
echo $baldays;    // this would echo out the no of days remaining for the current month to end

how to automatically get the first date of the current month in mysql

there are several ways of doing it. here is how i do it. it just feels simpler this way :)

$mth = date('m');                               // gets the current month
$yr = date('Y');                                   // gets the current year

For example, if i want to run a query to get results between the first day of the current month and today, i would write it like this:-

"SELECT * FROM table WHERE date BETWEEN '$yr-$mth-01' AND CURDATE( )"